By Fabrice Beaur (Фабрис Бэор)
1/// Mon commentaire :
Ouverture ce 27 septembre d’une Commission d’enquête parlementaire en Russie sur les ingérences étrangères dans els affaires intérieures russes.
L’objet de cette réunion concerne la chaîne de télévision d’Etat pour l’étranger, la Deutsche Welle (DW) qui appelait cet été les citoyens russes à participer aux manifestations non-autorisées à Moscou.
Comme l’indique la dépêche de l’agence russe TASS, il sera également question du compte Twitter de l’ambassde US à Moscou qui donnait les itinéraires des rassemblements non-autorisés.
Imaginez nos hystériques russophobes occidentaux si l’ambassade de Russie à Paris supportait les blackbloks à Paris.
2/// Article :
« The Commission on the Investigation of Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs was formed due to actions by some foreign diplomats,media during the unauthorized protests in Moscow.
The Russian State Duma (lower chamber) Commission on the Investigation of Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs is planning to hold its next meeting on September 27, Head of the Commission Vasily Piskarev said.
« We still want to understand whether Germans (executives of the German Deutsche Welle broadcasting company – TASS) will come or not. If they don’t come, we will do just fine without them and will hold our meeting on September 27, » he told reporters on Friday.
Earlier, the commission invited the heads of Deutsche Welle to its meeting to discuss a number of questions, which arose after the company covered unauthorized protests in Moscow. Charge d’affaires at the German Embassy in Moscow Beate Grzeski was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on August 8 and told that the Deutsche Welle addresses to Muscovites to join the unauthorized rallies are unacceptable.
The State Duma Commission on the Investigation of Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs was formed in August due to actions undertaken by a number of foreign diplomats and foreign media sources during the unauthorized protests in Moscow on the eve of the Moscow Duma local elections. The actions involve biased and skewed coverage of these events and assessments of law enforcement agents’ actions, as well as posting routes of the unauthorized rallies, particularly in the US embassy’s Twitter account. According to the commission documents, its objectives involve « studying and analyzing cases and circumstances of foreign interference in domestic Russian affairs » and also devising legislative measures to counter such meddling, as well as initiatives to inform parliaments of other countries and international organizations on interference in Russian affairs. »
3/// Source : TASS Agency
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