LM - GEOPOL poutine à bxl (2012 12 23) ENGL

Luc MICHEL for PCN-SPO / 2012 12 23 /

With PCN-NCP Website – La Cause des Peuples/The Peoples’ Cause – Le Temps /

BRUSSELS this December 21. Russian President Vladimir Putin and representatives of the European Union, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, « discussed their many differences while affirming their will overcome them, in particular to continue to increase trade « (according to Le Temps, Geneva, AFP Photo)

Two visions of the future of Europe are facing each other. The small rump-Europe of Brussels, the EU, the first of the Yankee colonies, subject to Washington for more than six decades through NATO. The other, the creation of a Eurasian geopolitical and geo-economic ensemble around Moscow. The only European country truly independent and free, because only the geopolitical dimension confers power and power guarantees freedom. Moscow tomorrow will be the Piedmont of the future Greater Europe, the Fourth Rome!

I theorized the fundamental geopolitical concept of « Second Europe » about Putin’s regenerated Russia in our magazine LA CAUSE DES PEUPLES (The Peoples’ Cause, Brussels-Paris, No. 31), in December 2006.

Text available on the website of the PCN-NCP under the title « Why We Fight. Against Washington, NATO and the false Atlanticist « Europe » of Brussels: with Moscow for another Europe, great and free from Vladivostok to Reykjavik! ‘


This concept is an updated revision of the theses of our  » Euro-Soviet School  » of geopolitics (1983-1992, which the Russian « neo-Eurasianism” also stemmed from after 1991). In 1983, I already wrote in the magazine CONSCIENCE EUROPEENNE (European Consciousness) « Russia is also Europe » …

Europe is not confined to the European Union! Or even to states that are now associated, such as Moldova and Serbia. Russia, which regained its independence with Vladimir Putin is Europe! A SECOND EUROPE, ANOTHER EUROPE, Eurasian, now stands in Moscow facing the Atlantic Europe of Brussels.

A second Europe that attracts several former Soviet republics.

Russia has indeed established an aggregator process similar to the European Union, with unions around transnational bodies that form around Moscow: the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Tajikistan), the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty (CSTO of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a military alliance of the type of the Warsaw Treaty Organization), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Pakistan, Iran, India and Mongolia have observer status, China and Russia play key roles), the Unified Economic Space (UES: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan ).

The powerful black sun of Greater-Europe, that of the continental State and Europe-power (what will never be the EU!), rises in the East! And that is why we have been writing for 40 years « Greater Europe from Vladivostok to Reykjavik » …



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