PCN-SPO hiroshima 1985 (2013 08 06)

Already 28 years …

PCN-SPO / PCN-NCP Timeline / 2013 08 06 /

« They chain themselves together to show their solidarity with the Japanese people”, were the

headlines in newspapers across the French-Belgian group NORD ECLAIR (Nord Eclair, L’Echo du Centre, Le Journal de Mons, Le Rappel), on August 7, 1985:

« Tuesday at 10 am, three members of the Politburo of the National-European Communitarian Party (PCN-NCP) chained themselves to the gates of the embassy of the United States, Regentlaan in Brussels, to mark their active « solidarity » with the Japanese people and Hiroshima City in particular. They also made clear in leaflets: « On this fortieth anniversary of their painful martyrdom, we want to show our rejection of the U.S. war that one wants to impose on Europe, and of which the introduction of the Euro-missiles represents a first alarming step. Our determination also to fight against the American occupation of Europe and for the liberation and unification of the European nation.  » Two demonstrators (Editor’s note: including Luc MICHEL) were taken for identity verification. A politburo member of the PCN-NCP also handed to the Japanese Embassy in Brussels an open letter to the mayors of the martyred cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. »

A beautiful action « commando-style » for the 40th anniversary of Hiroshima, August 6, 1985, directly led by Luc MICHEL himself, at a time when the PCN-NCP was in an « activist phase. » And where there was still an independent press to talk of it.

Our action has received a great media coverage, including radio and regional TV. For the record, it’s Jean Thiriart himself who handled « live » from his Brussels secretariat the media coverage – Fax and Telex – in a forgotten time where the Internet or even cell phones did  not exist.

Our action will have unintended consequences. Because it revealed the flaws of security of the Yankee Embassy which we could block access to despite a heavy safety device. We even stuck with us in the then entrance metal gate the deputy ambassador and military attaché. It came to an exchange of Homeric insults in very vulgar American English between them and Luc MICHEL.

A few weeks later a huge security door, bunker style, was built at the entrance of the U.S. Embassy. It is still there…


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« PCN-NCP Timeline » is a new category of publications on the history of our Transnational Organization … BEFORE the Websites « PCN-NCP TIMELINE ».


Our document:

Facsimile of the NORD-ECLAIR article, published in the PCN-NCP press of the time.

It should be noted the first logo of PCN-NCP (in its French PCN and Dutch NCP versions), marked by the 70s (this is still the graphic style « May 68 »), that the militants called irreverently « the bolt. » A Logo abandoned in 1994 … This unknown by the pseudo- « online encyclopedia » (sic) Wikipedia – enterprise of disinformation in the hands of NATO’s political policies – which still presents it in 2013 as « the logo of the PCN-NCP » ( Resic) …

(PCN-SPO / PCN-NCP Press Office)


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