What you don’t read in the NATO’s medias!
Read back the analysis of Luc MICHEL in june 2012 to understand the trial of Seif al-Islam Gaddafi by two Kangaroo courts in Libya and the confrontation Zintan-Tripoli-ICC around his case …
By Luc MICHEL (with AFP – Reuters – PCN-NCP-SPO – Le Temps) /
For ELAC & ALAC Website/
Second issue / 2013 09 19 (first issue on 2012 06 12) /
# The NATO judicial servants – the pseudo ICC – arrested and imprisoned in june 2012 by the NATO auxiliary Islamist militias!
If the price of the bloody farce what post-Gadhafi Libya has become does not pay with blood and tears of the Libyan people, there would be plenty to smile about.
There are the judicial servants of NATO – ICC, ICT and Co. – stopped by the NATO military auxiliaries in Libya, these Islamist gangs armed, funded and installed in power by the French, British and American generals and their Qatari banker. If we say « servants » for the ICC, it is to be polite and respect for judges and lawyers who do their job honestly. Away from The Hague!
Libya is being in Somaliazation, an area of lawless, stateless, where reign only gun law and venal appetites of lawless criminals. Without faith because the jihadists, those of Benghazi as those of Brussels or London, are most often arms or drugs dealers.
Four staff members of the International Criminal Court (ICC), with among them a counsel – in fact a lawyer paid by the ICC as an attorney for a defendant, for such is the judicial comedy of The Hague court – of Seif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s elder son, have been detained since Thursday in Libya where they had gone to meet the son of Muammar Gaddafi, announced Saturday the ICC, which has « demanded their immediate release. »
« Four staff members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) are held in Libya since Thursday, June 7”, said in a statement the ICC whose headquarters are in The Hague.
The representative to the ICC of Libya, Ahmed al-Jehani, had announced earlier Saturday in Tripoli that the Australian lawyer Melinda Taylor, a counsel of Seif al-Islam, was arrested for trying to hand over documents » which represent a danger to the security of Libya « .
« The delegation of the ICC, which besides the Australian lawyer has members of the registry who should in particular discuss with the suspect the option to appoint a lawyer of his own choice, had traveled to Libya Wednesday, » added the ICC.
The ICC President, Judge Sang-Hyun Song, demanded « the immediate release of all the detained staff members. » « We are very concerned about the safety of our staff, in the absence of any contact with them, » he said, quoted in the press release.
The commander of the « Brigade of Zenten, » Ajmi al-Atiri, said on Saturday that a « security breach » had occurred during the visit and that the counsel was held for the purposes of the investigation (sic). According to Mr Atiri, « there was on the occasion of the visit an exchange of unreported documents, including a letter from Mohamed Ismail, former right-hand man of Seif al-Islam and currently on the run, a blank sheet of paper signed by Gaddafi son’s and an unsigned letter addressed to the ICC « in which he would ensure that there is « no government or law in Libya » and that he is « abused « .
According to Mr. Jehani, Ms. Taylor is detained in Zenten « in a place of residence and not in a prison » and is heard by the authorities.
Seif al-Islam is held in Zenten, 170 km southwest of Tripoli, since his arrest in November 2011 by a team of former rebel fighters from this locality. Point out – because false information is circulating on the net – he is in no way related to the Libyan armed or political Resistance and he is still less than the leader or « guide » … Seif al- Islam, 39, is wanted by a warrant from the ICC for « crimes against humanity » committed during the repression of the Islamo-monarchist coup of February 15, 2011 organized and funded by the U.S., France and NATO, which was turned into an armed conflict by NATO when Gaddafi did not collapse. Benghazi puppet junta that usurped power in Libya on behalf of NATO and the ICC compete for the right to judge him.
Seif is the subject of blackmail between the commander of the « Brigade of Zenten, » an armed Islamist gang, and the NTC. Which allowed the gang to obtain positions of power in the puppet army organized by the NTC, and above all access to its juicy funding by Qatar, NATO and French special funds (money available secretly and without control by the Elysee and the Prime Minister).
He is currently, according to Anglo-Saxon procedure, represented by the head of the Office of Public Counsel for Defence (OPCD), Xavier-Jean Keita, appointed and paid by the Court, assisted by Ms. Taylor, co-counsel. We immediately understand what independence these lawyers have! Contacted by AFP, Mr. Keita did not wish to comment immediately.
An official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the NTC Junta, Mohammed Abdelaziz, declared that Libya would ask the ICC to waive the immunity of the counsel, so that a formal investigation can be conducted: « I think this woman will stay with us for a while, until the immunity is lifted « .
The NTC, which intends the deposed president’s son to be tried in his home country, filed on May 1, a motion challenging the jurisdiction of the ICC to prosecute Seif Al-Islam, only son of the former leader to be detained in Libya. In addition to the ICC, the Libyan authorities must also convince the Zenten officials to hand over Seif Al-Islam if they intend to try him. According to Mr. Jehani, the former rebels would delay « his transfer to Tripoli because of arrears of pay not recieved”. As we have seen the stakes are much higher and directly affect the balance of power between armed Islamist gangs who are fighting over the wealth of Libya.
The arrest of the team of the ICC under a pretext will actually serve as means of pressure to blackmail the ICC itself. The goal is to force it to accept a trial of Seif by the NTC in Libya. NATO has the allies that it has chosen knowingly …
The head of the gang of Zenten – stop talking of a Brigade, a term chosen by NATO propaganda – which holds four people said « they had been transferred to a prison on the orders of the Attorney General”.
The four members of the delegation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) « have been put in preventive detention on Sunday for 45 days », told AFP an official of the Attorney General’s office in Libya. « They were remanded for 45 days as part of the investigation, » the official said on condition of anonymity, without giving details.
Ajmi al-Atiri, the Islamist leader of the gang of Zenten holding these four people, like Seif, said the ICC team held up until now in a house, was « transferred to a prison on Sunday by order of the Attorney General « ..
They are still accused of « espionage for trying to exchange documents with Seif al-Islam. »
On Sunday, the Libyan representative to the ICC Ahmed Jehani had specified that only two team members: the Australian lawyer Melinda Taylor and her Lebanese interpreter, Helen Assaf, had been arrested, while two men, a Russian and a Spanish national, would have stayed with them on their own. Mr. Atiri did not explain why the two men were also transferred to prison or whether charges were brought against them.
This case speaks volumes about the narrow limits of the real authority of the pseudo NTC and the chaos in Libya. There is no more state, nor government, nor authority. And the NTC is one of many heavily armed Islamist gangs that organize the chaos in Libya. Added to all this, the competing maneuvering of oil multinationals – the war is on between the French Total and the Anglo-Saxon majors – and conflicting agendas of the USA, France and Qatar.
Not to mention the former municipalities of Gaddafi’s Jamahiriya, which after 40 years of municipal Direct Democracy, where tribes and former Jamahiriyan executives held a de facto autonomy that does not recognize the authority of the NTC. This is the case in Bani Walid or Sebah, where municipal self-defense militias drove out the armed Islamist gangs …
» Unstable Libya is preparing its first elections » (sic) commented Le Temps (Geneva), coming back to more lucidity. « The country is building its first democratic election (Resic) in a troubled environment. If the demilitarization of armed groups is not progressing, politicians will have only insignificant weight « …
It is this chaos that the media of NATO or the ineffable BHL, Bernard-Henry Levy the infamous French Likudnik writter, call a « freed country » (sic) and an « emerging democracy »!
Photo: Ajmi al-Atiri, the chief of the Islamist gang of Zenten.
Arrestation of Seif by the gang.