Luc MICHEL / In Brief /
with ELAC Website – PCN -SPO / 2013 October 09 /
Lampedusa : The EU and Africa pay their betrayal of Gaddafi – EU ally , support for the Euro, initiator of the African Union, great supporter of African and European unities – and the destruction of the Libyan Jamahiriya by NATO and its jihadist allies in February-October 2011 .
The prophecy of Gaddafi in the early insurgent coup d’état in February 2011 in Libya happen. Alas ! A recolonized puppet Libya, public power in the hands of Libyan jihadist militias with affirmed anti- black racism, waves of immigrants distraught and desperate … And the drama of Lampedusa announces many others. For after the waves of desperate Africans , from civil and state wars that the West maintains in Africa , there are the thousands of Libyans fleeing violence and repression of U.S. allies and puppets installed in power by NATO in Tripoli.
What is known about the victims of Lampedusa ?
Most came from Ethiopia and Eritrea – the U.S. has once caused the breakup of Ethiopia and the secession of its province of Eritrea . RFI – one of the NATO media which applauded the fall of the Jamahiriya – explains their long way “From the slums of Khartoum to Libya . » » The lucky ones manage to the slums of Khartoum , where they have the opportunity to earn some money in menial jobs . With their savings , they pay their way into tampered 4×4 convoys which belt along across the Sahara to Libya , passing from hand to hand by the militias that hold the regions they go through (…) victims of stalking by the rebels of the so-called » black mercenaries » (…) those who escape the raids pile randomly on the coast, under the control of local mafias , waiting to be offered a place on one of these boats to be lost on the way to Italian and Maltese coasts. They are then packed on board, wrapped in parkas and blankets . They turn their lives into the hands of a pilot designated by the traffickers , who is mostly a chap who also tries to seek asylum in Europe. The tubs go to sea at night, with as sole guides a compass and a mobile phone . «
Behind their drama, a limitless despair. « If I go back to Eritrea, it’s death , replied the latter . If I stay in Libya, it’s death . So the only chance I have is to set sail to the sea, no matter what happens , « said a refugee to RFI …
The destruction of the Jamahiriya – which welcomed millions of Africans , broke mafias and watched the coast – was a crime. A mass murder that has not finished making victims! And its accomplices , the politicians of the EU and NATO are the same who today again and always give lessons of humanitarian morality. Starting with the Khaki-Greens first harbingers of the 2011 aggression …
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