LM - ELAC enfants perdus de Kadhafi (2014 02 16) ENGL

 Luc MICHEL for ELAC & ALAC Committees /

with AFP – PCN -SPO – ELAC Website / 2014 02 16 /




 » Explosion in the number of refugees arriving by sea in Italy  » is the headline of AFP on February 5. Which states that  » the number of refugees who land on the coast in Italy has increased tenfold in January , reflecting  » the constant and massive flows of migrants ‘ ongoing since last summer , said Tuesday the Deputy Minister of the Interior .  »

The main country from which refugees embark on the road to a better life in Europe is Libya ( 27,314 people) … While under the Jamahiriya of Moammar Gadhafi there was not only no Libyan refugees – because of Jamahiriyan ‘social welfare ‘ , then the highest standard of living and GDP of Africa – but especially that Tripoli was in control of the Mediterranean coast and fought slavery networks. And moreover assured jobs for millions of Africans in panafricanist Libya . « Most of these immigrants lived in Libya since a decade and represented the labor of the Libyan economy , sought during the economic boom of the country . »

All of this has stopped, abruptly, with the NATO aggression in 2011 and the destruction of the Jamahiriya. Refugees fleeing an Africa without future are the lost children of Gaddafi, of his generous Jamahiriya , and also of his Pan-African dream dead under the NATO bombs .

But today is added to the post-NTC Libya made ​​in NATO, as revealed by the drama of Lampedusa last year , the exploitation of the Blacks by mafia networks of slave trade to Europe, in the hands of Islamists in Libya and the Sahel. Camps exist in Libya, where rape, looting and executions are the rule. The investigation into the tragedy of Lampedusa has also revealed that the new African ‘boat people’ were victims of criminal firing from « Libyan » corvettes, naval vessels fallen into the hands of gangs or militias , new piracy at the gates of Italy .



During the first 30 days of 2014 , migrants landing on Italian coasts were in number of 2,156 , against 217 in January 2013. In 2013, 2,925 different boats docked in Italy , an increase of 325 % compared to 2012 , with 42,925 people on board , including 3,818 minors.

The majority of them – 37,886 – arrived in Sicily , including 14,753 on the only island of Lampedusa , the main entrance gate of migrants arriving in Europe from Africa. « Italy was submitted in 2013 to a massive and constant flow of migrants from the Maghreb and the Middle East , » said Filippo Bubico , Vice- Minister of the Interior , during a hearing before the Committee « Migrations » of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Mr. Bubico also announced that the government of right-left coalition led by Enrico Letta since last April, intended to reduce the maximum duration of stay of migrants in identification and expulsion centers , which is currently around 18 months.

In 2013, police arrested 200 suspected smugglers , whom those migrants pay thousands of euros, and 158 boats were seized. Thousands of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa, but also from the Middle East and Central Asia try each year to cross, pouring thousands of euros to unscrupulous smugglers .

In early October 2013 , at least 400 people, including many women and children, have died as a result of two shipwrecks in the area of ​​Lampedusa (extreme south of Italy).


The main country from which refugees embark on the road to a better life in Europe is Libya

( 27,314 people) , followed by Egypt ( 9,215 ) and Turkey ( 2,077 ) . According to statements made by refugees upon their arrival , the main country of origin is Syria ( 11,307 persons), exponential increase compared to 2012 (they were then only 582 ), followed by Eritrea

(9,834 ) , Somalia ( 9,263) and Egypt ( 2,618 ) .

Libya, Syria, Eritrea , Somalia: all so-called  » humanitarian » wars of the West. The result of the famous « duty to intervene » as touted by Kouchner, neocon with a French passport , or Bernard-Henri Lévy the Parisian Likudnik …


For PCN -SPO / ELAC Website





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