LM.NET - EN BREF CIA +á Kiev (2014 04 16) ENGL

Luc MICHEL / In Brief /
With LVDR – Rossia 24 – PCN -SPO / 2014 04 16 /

The junta of Kiev has absolutely no autonomy, they are puppets, and there are the Americans who control. The news of the day confirm it if necessary…

The head of the CIA has held several secret meetings in Kiev (according to Ukrainian and Russian media). The CIA director John Brennan stayed yesterday in Kiev where he held several secret meetings with leaders of the Ukrainian police, provided a source in the Rada. The source indicated that according to some reports the U.S. official « had a series of meetings with the leaders of Ukraine and several consultations with the heads of the police ». « According to unconfirmed data , the decision on the use of force in Slavjansk in the south -east of Ukraine was adopted on the initiative of Mr. Brennan, » the source said.

The MP of the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) to the Verkhovna Rada ( Ukrainian parliament), Vladimir Goloub stated that « his colleagues speak of a visit by CIA Director in Kiev as a fait accompli. » « The CIA director John Brennan went undercover to Kiev, where he met with the heads of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine. According to some reports, the decision on military intervention in Eastern Ukraine was taken from his presentation. »

« Colleagues of the Verkhovna Rada speak of the visit of the head of the CIA as a fait accompli. That does not surprise me , because it is obvious that in the past, when Valentin Nalivaïtchenko headed the Security Service of Ukraine, it was not a special service of an independent country, but a branch of the CIA of the USA. We do speak of it openly in parliament, and I do not think it’s wrong, » said Goloub on Sunday.

Other information yet confirms that it is the U.S. that are well in command in Kiev.
« An entire floor of the building of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is occupied by U.S. intelligence agencies, and this floor is forbidden to the Ukrainian employees, » said the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and candidate to the Ukraine presidential election Oleg Tsarev. « Many SBU officers have told me that the intelligence agencies of the United States are actively involved in everything that is happening in Ukraine. They say even a whole floor was left available to U.S. intelligence agencies, and Ukrainian officers do not have access there », he said live to TV channel Rossia 24.

There are the Americans who organize the crackdown in eastern Ukraine. And who brought the Western mercenaries of ‘Academi’ (former Blackwater) to Ukraine…


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